This is a workout routine for Bowflex machines users that will help you get into great shape and move you towards your fitness goals. It is great for those who currently have a Bowflex machine and is split into 2 separate workouts to be performed on different days. We recommend that this workout is performed once a week with a maximum of 14 reps for each exercise. For the abdominals, 30 reps are recommended.
It is recommended that each exercise is performed with the maximum weight that you can achieve the prescribed number of repetitions with.
Day 1 – Upper Body
#1 – Flat Bench Press
Lie on the bench with your back flat. Take hold of the handle is and try to keep a right angle between your torso and arms during the entirety of exercise. Push the bar up away from you and exhale. Next, bring your hands close together just above your chest. Hold this position for a second and squeeze the pictorials and then slowly bring your arms back to the starting position while inhaling.
#2 – Shoulder Press
While sitting upright and fixing away from the Bowflex machine, take hold of both handles to create a right angle in your elbows. Keep your feet flat on the ground and push the handles up until your arms are straight and are locked at the elbows. It’s important to not arch your back and keep it straight. At the top of the movement exhale. Then slowly bring your arms back to the starting position and inhale.
#3 – Seated Row
While facing the Bowflex machine, sit on the bench and take hold both handles. It’s important to keep your knees bent, your back straight and feet flat on the floor while performing the exercise. Bring the handles back and to the sides of your chest. At this point, bring squeeze the shoulder blades together while exhaling. Hold this for one second and keep a right angle between your torso and arms during the process. Then slowly bring your arms back to starting position while inhaling.
#4 – Tricep Extensions
Lie on the bench with your back flat with your head by the Bowflex machine. Your feet should be flat against the floor with the knees bent. Take hold of both of the Bowflex machine handles with upward facing palms. It’s important to try to keep the elbows as close to the site as possible so that only the elbows are bending. Move the forearms forward so that the triceps are being worked and exhale. When the arms are straight, squeeze the triceps and hold this for one second. Return the to the starting position and inhale. During this exercise is important to only move the elbows keep the shoulders positioned the same throughout.
#5 – Standing Curls
while facing the Bowflex machine, maintain a very slight bend in the knees and take hold of both handles with upwards facing palms. Try to keep your chest lifted and abs tight during the entirety of exercise. Now, perform on curls by curling your arms towards the direction of the shoulders. Exhale when you reach the top and squeeze the biceps. Also, try to keep the elbows as close to the body as possible. It’s also important here to keep your wrists in a straight position. At the top of the movement, hold the position for one second and then slowly bring your arms back to.position whilst inhaling.
Day 2 – Lower Body & Abs
#1 – Leg Press
While facing the Bowflex machine, sit on the gliding seat and attach your waist to the leg press belt. With the feet positioned at the base machine, straighten your legs whilst exhaling at the same time. Slowly return the legs to the starting position and inhale.
#2 – Calf Raises
While facing the Bowflex machine, take a seat on the gliding. The leg press belt should be strapped around your waist and position your feet against the base of the bows. In this position, your legs should be parallel to the floor. Keep your knees slightly bent and try to keep your chest up and out. Push away from the machine with your toes and this will move backwards slightly. Squeeze the calf muscles and exhale. Hold this position for one second and then bring your feet back to the start position whilst inhaling.
#3 – Ab Crunches
I just the bench so it is in a inclined position and sit on the bench facing away from the Bowflex machine. Take hold of the handles over your shoulders. Squeeze the abs and perform a crunch by bringing the shoulders forwards towards the legs. At the top of the motion, hold this for a second, exhale and then return your torso back to the starting position and inhale.
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